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Jewelry of the Russian Empire’s WEALTHIEST dynasty (PHOTOS)
Old women’s hairstyles of the Russian Empire’s ethnic peoples (PHOTOS)
How Russian polar explorers celebrate the New Year (PHOTOS)
How do Russians build entire cities out of ice? (PHOTOS)
Why the Mekong Bobtail has only survived in Russia
Cats of the Russian Empire (PHOTOS)
How did the image of ‘Father Frost’ change in Russia? (PHOTOS)
7 unusual Soviet cafes & restaurants (PHOTOS)
Orenburg goats & shawls: 5 facts about this UNIQUE downy goat breed
What shoes were worn in summer in the USSR? (PHOTOS)
10 female sex symbols in Russian sports (PHOTOS)
10 most POPULAR cars in Russia (PHOTOS)
How did the 1980 Summer Olympics change Soviet fashion? (PHOTOS)
How has the fashion for women's hats changed in Russia? (PHOTOS)
Price zones: Why were they needed in the USSR?
What did Soviet cosmetics posters promote? (PICS)
Which ladies' handbags were popular in the USSR? (PHOTOS)
What did eyewitnesses say about the mysterious Tunguska meteorite?
7 FAMOUS pies from different regions of Russia (PHOTOS)
6 main Moscow fashion outlet villages
WEIRD rides that were popular in the USSR (PHOTOS)
Why is this cat named after the Neva River?
What kind of footwear is worn in winter in Siberia & Russia’s Far North?
10 things a foreigner should never do in St. Petersburg
10 things you should NEVER do in Moscow
Why do Russians eat ice cream in FREEZING weather?
The main ‘barn’ pests that Russians encounter
10 MAIN Russian folk singers & ensembles (VIDEO)
How musk oxen have settled back in the Russian Arctic
What were Soviet beauty standards like?
7 pests Russian garden owners come across
7 most anomalous places in Russia
Was there chocolate in the USSR?
How red lipstick appeared in the USSR & why women adored it
10 popular Russian animals & their ‘personal’ blogs (PHOTOS)
How were manicures done in the USSR?
How the Soviet flight attendant uniform changed over the years (PHOTOS)
The Amur leopard: By what rules does the rarest representative of its species live?
10 great Soviet movies of the 1930s (VIDEOS)
10 main Soviet movies of the 1920s (VIDEOS)
10 largest nature reserves of Russia (PHOTOS)
The most popular summer resorts in Russia (PHOTOS)
How Soviet celebrities relaxed at their DACHAS (PHOTOS)
Why are Russians flooding Jason Statham’s social media accounts with bizarre quotes?
10 most popular Russian thermal springs
The Samoyed Laika: 6 facts about the world's oldest dog breed
Why Arctic foxes are the brazen bullies of the North (PHOTOS)
Where in Russia does the Urals region end and Siberia begin?
The Baltic seal: A sea predator with giant eyes from St. Petersburg
What frost-resistant COWS from Yakutia look like (PHOTOS)
10 most beautiful volcanoes in Russia (PHOTOS)
Altai’s Multa Lakes: the most picturesque mountain views! (PHOTOS)
10 POPULAR Russian cat names!
5 facts about the creepiest Russian mole rats from the underground
Haunting views of Crimea’s Valley of Ghosts (PHOTOS)
Check out the wondrous pumice cliffs of Kamchatka (PHOTOS)
10 most bizarre Russian houses (PHOTOS)
Magadan Natural Reserve: Fantastic PHOTOS of remote landscapes
How the first day of winter looks in Russia’s regions (PHOTOS)
Why did this English princess wear a Russian folk dress?
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