Did you know that the legendary horses from the bridge in St. Petersburg can be found in... Berlin?

In 1842-1844, Klodt made several pairs of equestrian sculptures.

One, intended for installation on the Anichkov Bridge, was sent by Nicholas I as a gift to his brother-in-law, Prussian King Frederick William IV.

And he, in turn, ordered to install them at the Royal Palace in Berlin.

For a long time, they decorated the main gate of the residence and, then, were moved to Kleistpark, where they still stand.

Another pair of sculptures (by the way, they were originally installed on the Anichkov Bridge) went to Italy - to the King of the Two Sicilies, Ferdinand II.

And, since 1844, it was installed on the garden gates of the royal palace in Naples.

And, finally, in 1846, a pair of equestrian sculptures appeared at the Musical Pavilion of the Horse Court in the Golitsyn Estate in Moscow's Kuzminki.