What does the expression “to bring out the Babylons” mean?

The phrase “ничего себе, какие Вавилоны выводит” (“nichego sebe, kakie Vavilony vyvodit”) or “wow, what Babylons he brings out” is most likely addressed to a drunk person. This is said about a tipsy person, who is heading somewhere with an unsteady, staggering gait.
The “patterns” they draw with their feet, make observers make such an ironic remark. The expression also has another meaning. For example, in Vladimir Dahl’s explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, “to bring out the Babylons” means to write unevenly, with “dancing” lines.
This comparison began to be used in cases when they wanted to talk about something confusing. For example, winding, looping roads or rivers were called ‘Babylonish’.
An English equivalent would be: “To make a Virginia fence.”