Russian songs translated: ‘Millions of Scarlet Roses’ (Sing with us)

It’s also probably one of the most famous songs by Alla Pugacheva, the queen of Soviet and Russian pop music. This 1983 song is based on lyrics by Soviet poet Andrei Voznesensky and the intriguing plot retells a legend about one great gesture that Georgian artist Niko Pirosmani made for an actress he loved.
‘Миллион алых роз’ – ‘Millions of Scarlet Roses’
Жил-был художник один,
Домик имел и холсты,
Но он актрису любил,
Ту, что любила цветы.
Once upon a time there lived an artist,
He had a house and a canvas,
But he loved an actress,
Who loved flowers.
Он тогда продал свой дом,
Продал картины и кров
И на все деньги купил
Целое море цветов.
He then sold his house,
Sold his paintings and roof
And with all the money, he bought
A whole sea of flowers.
CHORUS – ПРИПЕВ (two times):
Миллион, миллион, миллион алых роз
Из окна, из окна, из окна видишь ты.
Кто влюблен, кто влюблен, кто влюблен и всерьез.
Свою жизнь для тебя превратит в цветы.
A million, a million, a million scarlet roses
From the window, from the window, from the window you can see.
Who's in love, who's in love, who's in love and in earnest.
Will turn their lives into flowers for you.
Утром ты встанешь у окна:
Может сошла ты с ума?
Как продолжение сна - площадь цветами полна.
In the morning you stand by the window:
Maybe you got mad?
As if a dream continues, the square is full of flowers.
Похолодеет душа,
«Что за богач здесь чудит?»
А под окном, чуть дыша,
Бедный художник стоит.
The soul will grow cold,
“What kind of rich man is acting up here?”
And beneath the window, barely breathing,
The poor artist stands.
CHORUS – ПРИПЕВ (two times)
Встреча была коротка:
В ночь ее поезд увез,
Но в ее жизни была песня безумная роз.
The meeting was short:
A train carried her away in the night,
But, there was in her life, a wild song of roses.
Прожил художник один,
Много он бед перенес,
Но в его жизни была целая площадь цветов.
An artist once lived,
He went through many troubles,
But, in his life, there was a whole square of flowers.
CHORUS – ПРИПЕВ (four times)