Naberezhnye Chelny in 3 Russian words


The famous trucks have been produced in Naberezhnye Chelny since 1976 and, since then, two and a half million vehicles have rolled off the assembly line. Today, KAMAZ owns almost half of the Russian market for heavy trucks. In the world, the company ranks 14th in terms of production of this type of vehicle.
2. ЧЁЛН (Cheln)

A ‘cheln’ (‘canoe’) is a small boat hollowed out of a tree trunk. According to one version, it is from this boat that the city got its name – three large rivers flow through the city. The ‘cheln’ was placed on the coat of arms of Naberezhnye Chelny; it symbolizes tireless movement forward, overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.
3. ‘ТЮБЕТЕЙКА’ (Tyubeteika)

‘Tyubeteika’ is a traditional Tatar headdress, but, in Naberezhnye Chelny, it is also the name of a tall, round building of unusual shape in the very center of the city. In Soviet times, it operated as a hotel, but today, it functions as a business center.