10 cute church cats from Russia (PHOTOS)

Meet the fluffy inhabitants of Russian Orthodox churches and monasteries! Meow.
1. Epiphany Monastery in Uglich

2. Epiphany celebrations in Sochi

3. Historical and architectural museum reserve Kizhi

4. A cat seen during a prayer service for salvation of God's creations marking International Homeless Animals' Day at the Cathedral of Elijah the Prophet in the village of Lemeshovo outside Moscow.

5. Trinity Boldin monastery in Smolensk Region

6. Russian Archpriest Pyotr Dinnikov holds his cat Vasik at Elijah the Prophet church in Lemeshevo.

7. Trinity Boldin monastery in Smolensk Region

8. A cat on the background of the wooden churches Kizhi Island

9. A cat at the door of a cathedral in St. Petersburg

10. A cat is sitting in the doorway and looks at the temple in Moscow's Andronikov Monastery