Orthodox Epiphany: What do Russians celebrate on January 19?

The way it is celebrated in the Russian Orthodox Church is unique and it is called ‘Крещение’ (‘Kreshchenie’), which literally translates as ‘Baptism’. While other Christian Churches celebrate the visit of the Magi as an ‘Epiphany’, which, in Russian tradition, is a separate holiday called ‘Богоявление’ (‘Bogoyavlenie’), aka the ‘Appearance of Christ’.
The most extreme tradition on the eve of Epiphany in Russia is bathing in an ice-hole. Most likely, it has pagan roots and is connected with the holiday celebrating the winter solstice.
But, a truly Christian tradition is the consecration of water in church. And believers line up to take this holy water and then drink small sips of it over a long period, as such water is considered to be blessed.