The Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka: A cheerful, «colorful» dog

This breed was first bred in the 1950s in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg): At that time, unlike service dogs, there were not many decorative dogs. The ancestors of the ‘tsvetnushka’, as it is affectionately called, were the Shih Tzu, different types of bichon, including Maltese, as well as some small dogs of unknown origin. In 1966, the first breed standard was approved in the USSR.

Soon, the Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka spread not only in Leningrad, but also in Moscow and then, throughout the country. In 1999, a National Club of the breed was established in the Russian Cynological Federation.

The Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka, in addition to its small size (its height is usually no more than 26 cm), is distinguished by thick long and curly fur, triangular ears, slightly rounded at the tips, and a lush tail.

Colors vary wildly, except for white, spotted and marbled. The ‘Tsvetnushka’ is very affectionate and cheerful, with a soft look and balanced character - it’s no wonder that this breed has won over the hearts of many.

The Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka is well known abroad now, as well: it is simply too hard to resist their charm!