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What does the expression “to bring under the monastery” mean?
What does the expression “Like water off a goose’s back” mean?
What does the expression “starving man from Volga Region” mean?
7 most FAMOUS graduates of the Moscow State University
What does the expression “all over Ivanovskaya” mean?
Why is a verst called ‘Kolomenskaya’?
What does the expression “orphan of Kazan” mean?
What does the expression “The horse hasn’t wallowed yet” mean?
What is the meaning of the expression “to show you where the crayfish are wintering”?
Russian picture dictionary: Winter
What does the expression “The background of the matter” mean?
What does the expression “in the blue eye” mean?
Russian picture dictionary: Colors
Russian songs translated: ‘From the Volga to the Yenisei’ (Sing with us)
What does the expression «gray mare's ravings» mean?
Which university is Russia’s oldest?
Russian songs translated: ‘There's Only a Moment’ (Sing with us)
What does the expression “Vaska listens and eats” mean?
Why Russians used to add ‘-s’ at the end of words
Top 10 BEST Russian universities in 2024
What does the expression “the ice has broken” mean?
What does the expression “not all the time is Maslenitsa for the cat” mean?
Russian songs translated: ‘This World’ (Sing with us)
What does the expression “not good for shoe soles” mean?
Russian picture dictionary: Human face
Russian songs translated: ‘Tenderness’ (Sing with us)
What does the expression “quieter than water, lower than grass” mean?
Why is January 25 ‘Tatiana Day’ & ‘Student Day’ in Russia?
What does the expression “from the world on a thread” mean?
Russian picture dictionary: Autumn/Fall
Russian songs translated: ‘Carry me, river’ (Sing with us)
What does the expression “to be sent out into the world” mean?
Russian songs translated: ‘Black Eyes’ (Sing with us!)
What does the expression “get it from under the ground” mean?
What does the expression “like behind Christ's chest” mean?
Russian songs translated: ‘May There Always Be Sunshine’ (Sing with us!)
What does the expression «to hang by a thread» mean?
Russian songs translated: ‘Horse’ (Sing with us)
What does the expression «as lucky as a drowned man» mean?
Russian songs translated: ‘Pack of cigarettes’ (Sing with us!)
What does the expression «left with one’s nose» mean?
What happened to those whom Peter I sent to study abroad?
What does the expression «to drive out a wedge with a wedge» mean?
What is the meaning of the expression «to rush to hell before one’s father»?
Nikephor Alferi: How the son of a deacon became the first Russian graduate of Cambridge
What is the meaning of the phrase “in all seriousness”?
Russian songs translated: ‘The Wind Blew from the Sea’ (Sing with us!)
What is the meaning of expression “necessity is the mother of invention”?
Russian picture dictionary: In the train
What does the expression «wait by the sea for the weather» mean?
Russian songs translated: ‘You Are My Only Love’ (Sing with us!)
What does the expression ‘nail it on the nose’ mean?
Russian Classes: How to be grateful in Russian
What is the meaning of the expression «toloch vodu v stupe” (»grind water in a mortar")?
What does the expression ‘Babushka nadvoe skazala’ (‘Grandma said in two’) mean?
What is the meaning of the expression “Kogda rak na gore svistnet!”?
What is the meaning of the expression ‘Otkladyvat v dolgiy yashik’ (‘to put something in a long box’
What does it mean to be “beaten with batogs”?
'Here's your Yuriev Day, Grandma!': What does the Russian phrase mean?
‘They carry water on the offended’: What does this Russian phrase mean?
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