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Russia-Germany relations
5 reasons to watch ‘GDR’, the new Russian spy series
What a German theater translator understood after 33 years in Russia
How a German business trainer ended up in a remote Russian village
8 little-known facts about the Nuremberg trials of Nazi leaders
The wild adventures of the great scientist Mikhail Lomonosov in Germany
What role did Germany play in industrializing the USSR in the 1930s?
How the socialist city of Stalinstadt was built in Germany
Why did the Third Reich’s most prominent film director Leni Riefenstahl travel to Russia?
Why Goebbels admired Russia in his youth
How the GOLD OF TROY became the USSR's war booty
How oil and gas improved relations between the USSR and West Germany
The ‘punished nation’: What life was like for Soviet Germans in the ‘labor army’ during WWII
Closed communities and fines for cursing: How Germans merchants lived in Russia
How business helped foster relations between West Germany and USSR
How captured German field marshal Paulus lived in the USSR after WWII
These Germans were in charge of the Russian Empire’s diplomacy
How the Germans took part in the palace coups of the Romanov dynasty
10 Germans honored with monuments in Russia
How German settlers celebrated Christmas in the Russian Empire
What did Germans supply to the Romanov court?
How German Field Marshal Paulus became the Soviets’ trump card at the Nuremberg trials
What goods from East Germany could Soviet people buy - and where?
5 Russian Orthodox churches in Germany on UNESCO’s World Heritage List
How Germans laid the foundations for the Russian healthcare system
From Baden-Baden to Berlin: German towns in which Russian writers lived
Why did the Russian Orthodox Church canonize a Nazi soldier?
Russians used to call all foreigners ‘Germans’. Why?
5 Germans who nobly served Russia
The most German places in modern St. Petersburg (PHOTOS)
How famous German military theorist von Clausewitz fought for Russia
Why did the USSR return Raphael’s paintings and other Dresden masterpieces to Germany?
How a treaty with the Germans pulled Soviet Russia out of international isolation
7 TASTY dishes that Volga Germans still cook in Russia (RECIPES)