Books by Russian writers that will make you laugh

Anton Chekhov, ‘The Proposal’

If you urgently need cheering up, open Chekhov's humorous stories. A proven remedy. For example, a joke in one act, ‘The Proposal’. The main character arrives at a neighbor’s house to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage, but the matchmaking quite quickly turns into a land dispute. The plot, as they say, is funny and the situation is terrible. But, fortunately, everything ends with a happy ending.
Nikolai Gogol, ‘Marriage’

The author of ‘The Government Inspector’ and ‘Dead Souls’ called this play an absolutely incredible event in two acts. The protagonist, court counselor Ivan Podkolesin, really behaves incredibly. Having decided to get married, he is in no hurry to meet a potential bride. Even when his friend Kochkarev eliminates potential competitors, it does not encourage Podkolesin to make a proposal to his chosen one. In the end, when there is nowhere to retreat to and the bride and groom are already waiting in the church, the protagonist escapes by jumping out the window.
Fyodor Dostoevsky, ‘Another Man’s Wife and Husband Under the Bed’

The first lines of this story are subtly reminiscent of Bulgakov's “never talk to strangers”. "If one gentleman from St. Petersburg suddenly starts talking about something on the street with another gentleman, a complete stranger to him, then, the other gentleman will certainly get scared." A phantasmagoric story about jealousy involving husbands, wives, lovers and a little dog ‘Amishka’.
Alexander Ostrovsky, ‘What you go for, you will find’

Simple-minded official Mikhail Balsaminov dreams of finding himself a rich bride – his chosen one is merchant Domna Belotelova. The play includes the kidnapping of the chosen one, hunting for an inheritance and the expectation of a profitable wedding. "The proverb says ‘fools have happiness’. Well, that's what happiness turned out to be for us. Don't chase after intelligence, as long as there is happiness. With money, we will live without any sense,” says Balsaminov's mother at the end.
Alexander Kuprin, ‘Bed’

Leonid Antonovich buys a rococo bed at an auction, decorated with carved cupids depicting a wedding procession. Acquaintances, having been on his visit, immediately began to tease him, believing that he is going to get married. And, soon, the cupids themselves begin to whisper to him about marriage. Having succumbed to temptation, the hero marries his landlady, who does not appreciate his passion for antiques and is also stingy.