Russian Сlasses: Phrases to express your point of view

Some very useful phrases to help you have more fulfilling discussions.
Let’s learn some phrases that aid us in expressing our points of view. The dialogue in the pictures shows one very popular option: ‘Я думаю…’ (I think…).
Here are some more:
- Мне кажется = It seems
- На мой взгляд = In my view
- Я считаю = I believe/I reckon
In order to emphasize that it's your personal opinion, use the word ‘лично’ - 'personally':
- Лично я считаю, что тебе не идёт это платье.
- I personally don’t believe this dress suits you.
Phrases for proficient students:
- Если я не ошибаюсь = if I’m not mistaken
- Насколько я могу судить = as far as I'm concerned
- Полагаю = I suppose/suspect
Informal one:
- Держу пари, ‘Спартак’ сегодня выиграет.
- I bet ‘Spartak’ is going to win today.
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