Tambov in 3 Russian words

1. ВОЛК (Wolf)

The expression “The Tambov wolf is your comrade!” became widely known. thanks to a certain Soviet movie, but its roots go back to the 19th century. ‘Wolves’ was the disdainful collective name Moscow workers gave to Tambov peasants who came to the city to earn money – they took on any job and asked for less money.
2. УСАДЬБА АСЕЕВЫХ (Aseyev Estate)

The estate of the Aseyev merchant dynasty on the bank of the Tsna River is considered the jewel of Tambov. Before the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, the snow-white mansion built in the Art Nouveau style was in no way inferior to its metropolitan counterparts. Inside, it is decorated with fine stucco, frescoes, high reliefs and original panels.
3. ПЧЕЛА (Bee)

Tambov Region has long been famous for its beekeeping traditions and local honey was eaten all over the country. So, it’s not surprising that a beehive and three golden bees – a symbol of the hard work and diligence of Tambov residents – were placed on the city's coat of arms.