Can you become a Russian citizen by marrying a Russian?

Are you going to marry a Russian citizen or perhaps you have already done so? Now you have the opportunity to obtain a residence permit in Russia and even a simplified citizenship. This is regulated by the Federal Law of 28.04.2023 № 138-FZ ‘On Citizenship of the Russian Federation’.
Where and how should you register your marriage?

In Russia, only a registered marriage (not cohabitation) is considered an official union of husband and wife.
If you want to register your marriage in Russia, you need to apply to the local civil registry office (‘ZAGS’). All documents in foreign languages must have notarized translations into Russian. You can also register your marriage at the diplomatic mission (consulate) of the country you are from. This means that your relationship will be governed by the laws of your country.
And, of course, marriages registered abroad are also recognized in Russia. To obtain citizenship, it will need to be translated into Russian and notarized.
How to get citizenship?

In Russia, there are three stages of getting citizenship: a residence permit, permanent residency and, finally, citizenship. In the regular case, it takes about 10 years, but many people obtain citizenship in a simplified order. Marriage shortens this process to five years (or even less), but you still have to go through all the stages. And you can only do it in Russia.
You will need to submit documents to local migration centers (for example, here is the website of the Moscow center). For more information, you can contact any multifunctional center of state services (‘Moi Dokumenty’, aka ‘My Documents’).
1. A residence permit is a stamp in your passport that gives the right to stay in Russia for three years, to work legally and to be eligible for Russian free medical insurance. At the same time, you cannot vote in elections or leave the country for more than six months in a year.
You can apply for this permit right after the marriage, but only in the Russian region where your Russian spouse is registered. Also, you will have to take Russian language exams, pass a medical commission and submit fingerprints. The period of issuance of such a permit is no more than four months.
2. The second stage is permanent residency, which comes in the form of a blue passport-like book. It entitles you to live and work in Russia for five years, with the ability to enter and leave Russia without a visa. At the same time, you can not leave the country for more than six months, otherwise the document will be annulled.
It can be renewed an unlimited number of times. To get permanent residency, you will need to live in Russia for at least a year continuously with a residence permit. And it can be obtained in any region of the country, not only where you obtained your residence permit.
3. The third stage – obtaining citizenship – is the most difficult. For this purpose, in a normal case, you need to live in Russia for at least five years with a permanent residency and you cannot leave Russia for more than three months during the year, otherwise the year will not be counted.
For a foreigner who is married, it's enough to live in Russia for just three years (as opposed to the five years mentioned earlier). The application for citizenship in Russia in this case is considered for up to three months.
After obtaining a Russian passport there are no restrictions on entry and exit.
Do you need to renounce your citizenship from your homeland?

This depends on the laws of your country. In some countries, it is only possible to have only one citizenship. In Russia, it is no longer forbidden to have a second citizenship, i.e. you do not need to renounce your first passport. However, Russia will consider you only as its citizen and you will have the same obligations as other Russian citizens (including serving as a conscript in the army, paying taxes and so on).
What about children?

Children born in a family with at least one Russian citizen can obtain Russian citizenship without the first two stages. Unlike adults, a child (until 18 years of age) can obtain Russian citizenship even abroad at a consulate.
If they are older, it will be necessary to visit Russia and go through all three stages, although it will still be in a simplified order.
You can also get Russian citizenship by buying real estate in Russia. Read more here.