Did you know the USSR had its own Tinder?

The easiest way to find a partner in the Soviet Union was to place an ad in a newspaper: “Single man, 48/166, humanities education, homebody, would like to meet a blonde up to 35 years old, a lover of theater and symphonic music. Moscow,” read an announcement, published in 1976 in the ‘Literaturnaya gazeta’ (‘Literary Gazette’). In response, he received 16,000 letters. The baton was picked up in 1980 by the Riga’s ‘Rigas-Balss’ newspaper, where an ‘Acquaintances’ section appeared.

As a rule, such ads included all the necessary information: age, education, character traits, hobbies and even height. They were all looking, of course, for love for life. But, with a number of conditions. For example, the author of one ad (“modest, calm, never married”) was waiting for “a life partner, balanced, inclined to be overweight”. A woman from Batumi, meanwhile, hoped to meet “a good, intelligent, non-drinking man, capable of taking on the responsibilities of the father to my children”. And someone else wrote an ad in the hope of simply finding a friend.

The ad price was calculated by the number of characters, so they very quickly developed their own language: “Young man without bad habits, with higher education, sense of humor, with a high salary, with own apartment” turned into “Y/m without b/h, with h/e, s/h, with a h/s, with o/a”.

In the 1980s, entire ‘Marriage Announcement Bulletins’ were printed and ads on them were only placed there after a person had presented their passport in case the potential bride or groom was actually already married.