Buryatia in 3 Russian words

1. ИВОЛГИНСКИЙ ДАЦАН (Ivolginsky Datsan)

The Ivolginsky Datsan (Buddhist monastery-university) is the most famous datsan in Buryatia and an important pilgrimage destination for Buddhists from all over the world. The monastery complex includes temples, a university, a greenhouse for the sacred Bodhi tree and the residence of the head of the Buddhists of Russia, the 24th Pandito Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev.
2. БАЙКАЛ (Baikal)

Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and the largest natural reservoir of fresh water. Its water is so clean and transparent that it allows you to see as far as 40 meters deep. The age of Lake Baikal is estimated at 25-35 million years. Hundreds of rivers flow into it, but only one flows out – the Angara.
3. БУУЗЫ (Buuzy)

This national Buryat dish resembles a yurt in its appearance – a portable frame dwelling used by Turkic nomads with a crown at the top for ventilation and support. In ‘buuzy’, this hole provides special air circulation during baking. Buryatia hosts many different festivals and competitions associated with ‘buuzy’.