What was happening in Russia when…


In Europe: The Great Schism – the split of Christianity into Catholic and Orthodox churches – occurs.
In Russia: Yaroslav the Wise (978-1054), son of Vladimir the Great and creator of one of the first sets of laws in Russia (‘Yaroslav's Truth’), dies.

In Europe: The Great Famine, a widespread calamity due to crop failure that killed millions.
In Russia: Prince Yuri Danilovich of Moscow marries Konchak, sister of Uzbek, Khan of the Golden Horde, and receives the high Mongol title of "son-in-law of Genghisids".

In America: Christopher Columbus discovers America.
In Russia: Instead of the March style, which had been used since 988, the September style was introduced – the New Year is celebrated on September 1.

In Europe: The Great Fire of London devastates the English capital.
In Russia: The Great Moscow Council condemns Patriarch Nikon.

In Europe: The Great French Revolution takes place, which brings down the Monarchy and the old regime.
In Russia: Alexander Suvorov brilliantly defeats the Turkish army at the Rymnik River. For this, he receives the title of ‘Count of Rymnik’.

In Europe: Queen Victoria ascends to the throne in England.
In Russia: Great poet Alexander Pushkin is killed in a duel.

In North America: Slavery is abolished (in Russia, serfdom was abolished in 1861).
In Russia: ‘Zemstva’, the first official bodies of local self-government in Russia, are introduced.

In Europe: Electricity lights up the streets of London for the first time.
In Russia: Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway begins.

In Europe: In his apartment in Bern, Switzerland, Albert Einstein writes four papers that revolutionize theoretical physics. The year becomes known as Einstein's ‘annus mirabilis’ (‘miraculous year’).
In Russia: Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, brother of the tsar, is assassinated. The 1905 revolution begins.